the features of the new HEAD SPEED LEGEND racket models
Black excellence
The HEAD Speed Legend, with its distinctive black finish, is the latest chapter in the 15-year success story of HEAD and Djokovic. The Austrian company developed the Speed racket for Djokovic in 2008, and he has been associated with it since early 2009 (originally under the name Youtek Speed).
Speed and fast swing
Both models were designed to increase speed and enhance swing dynamics, featuring a state-of-the-art construction with transparent carbon at the top and bottom.
AUXETIC 2.0 Technology
Feel every shot and gain more confidence in your game with the HEAD Auxetic 2.0 technology. It reacts actively and provides super-precise feedback in real time - truly sensational.
The HEAD Speed Legend is available in two models, the PRO and the MP. They feature the same specifications and technologies as the Speed PRO and the Speed MP 2024, which were launched in January 2024.
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