Jetzt ist Deine Zeit gekommen! Werde das Gesicht der neuen HEAD BOOM Paris Kampagne!
Du hast schon immer davon geträumt, ins Spotlight zu treten? Dann bringen wir Dich groß raus! Zeig uns, was Du drauf hast und werde Teil des neuen HEAD BOOM Werbe-Videos. Alles, was Du dafür tun musst:
Schick uns ein Video von Dir zum Thema „Tennis an jedem Ort“. Heißt: Einfach einen Ball nehmen und die Filzkugel hochhalten. Egal wie, egal wo! Hauptsache kreativ und individuell!
Das kannst Du besser als wir? Worauf wartest Du noch? Lade Deinen Clip einfach hier hoch oder schaue auf unseren Social Media-Kanälen vorbei – auch dort findest Du unsere Kampagne wieder.
ACHTUNG: Das war noch nicht alles! Unter allen Einsendungen verlosen wir signierte HEAD BOOM Rackets von Coco Gauff oder Lorenzo Musetti. Los geht’s!
Head BOOMFrom drop shots to hot shots to big shots, the new, fun-enhancing BOOM 2024 tennis racket series from HEAD makes everyone - regardless of level or age - feel comfortable on the court. Whether you're a competitive player or new to tennis, you're guaranteed to have fun with the second generation of BOOM rackets, as the light feel and stability will boost your game and confidence.
Auxetic 2.0 Feel every shot and gain more confidence in your game with HEAD Auxetic 2.0 technology. It reacts actively and provides super-precise feedback in real time - truly sensational.
Entdecke die explosive Power des neuen Head Boom Rackets
Discover the HEAD BOOM models in our store!
The BOOM series is supported by teenage star Coco Gauff, who won her first Grand Slam singles title at the 2023 US Open, and Lorenzo Musetti, another exciting young HEAD ambassador who is already making a splash on tour. For added thrills, you can choose which statement you want to make on the court. There are two fresh, modern and distinctive designs to choose from, one darker and the other lighter. First choose the model from the range - PRO, MP, MP L, TEAM or TEAM L - that makes your heart beat faster and then decide which of the two designs reflects your personality, style and attitude on the tennis court.
Advanced tournament players will love the explosive, exhilarating power of the BOOM PRO 2024, which has the greater stability and heavier weight they're looking for.
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