Only the best for training and competition - with Dunlop
Dunlop is one of the biggest brands in tennis. For more than 100 years, tennis players of all levels have been inspired by the high-quality and clever tennis products from Dunlop.
The Dunlop brand offers tennis fans the complete equipment for their favourite sport. In addition to the innovative Dunlop rackets and the classic Dunlop tennis balls, which are the standard at countless tournaments, the hard-wearing tennis strings, the spacious tennis bags and the top-fashionable sportswear from Dunlop are also very popular with tennis fans all over the world.
Dunlop as a unique traditional brand with great passion
Dunlop is a traditional brand that is by no means resting on its laurels and past successes. Whether it is rackets, tennis balls or tennis clothing, the sporting goods company works with great passion to develop and optimise its own products bit by bit in order to contribute to recreational and tournament players all over the world being able to further improve their tennis game and have the decisive advantage on the tennis court. This passion is also very well expressed in the company philosophy: "We are driven by an overwhelming passion for the game - we want to play it, improve it, share it. The match belongs to everyone, no matter where, how well or how often you play. We give every player access to the same beautifully designed and technically advanced sports products. We enable you to enjoy your game and make every match you play your best. We do this with the understanding that there is no final goal. For us, it's a never-ending series of incremental improvements that make our products lighter, stronger and faster. This helps you take control of a crucial match. To find that little something extra to get that next win. Then the next."
Dunlop Racket Series
The Dunlop Success Story: Revolutionary Innovations & Rackets with Cult Status
The Scottish tyre pioneer John Boyd Dunlop invents and patents the pneumatic tyre for racing bicycles in 1988. With this revolutionary invention for the bicycle and car industry, the Dunlop brand is born and enters the sporting goods market in 1910 with "Dunlop Sport". In 1923, Dunlop produces the first Dunlop tennis balls with a new production process that enables significantly higher product quality and durability. In 1932, Dunlop developed the Maxply tennis racket, which was played by tennis legends such as Rod Laver, Virginia Wade and John McEnroe, who celebrated great successes with it. In 1980, Dunlop launches the 150G racquet, the first tennis racquet made of carbon fibre using injection moulding technology. In 1988, Steffi Graf achieved the "Golden Slam" - all four Grand Slam titles and Olympic gold with a Dunlop racket, the Dunlop 200G Racket. Remarkable: More Grand Slam tournaments were won with Dunlop tennis rackets than with any other brand.
Tennis-Point har ett enormt och mångfaldigt utbud av de senaste produkterna för tennis
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