Founded in 1875, in Lyon, France, Babolat is the oldest racket sports company in the world. Every day, we strive to convey all the energies of the game by providing every player with equipment perfectly adapted for their game and its practice, pleasure, and performance. We strive to offer the best in every segment, from casual beginner totop champion. Babolat products include rackets, strings, shoes, balls, shuttlecocks, bags, apparel, accessories, and are designed and developed to allow every player to express their game.
Unser Ziel ist es, in jedem Angebotssegment das Beste zu bieten, damit jeder so spielen kann, wie er es möchte, egal aus welchem Grund und auf welchem Niveau, vom Gelegenheitsspieler bis zum Leistungssportler. Diese Absicht ist die Grundlage, auf der wir unsere Produkte konzipieren und herstellen.
1875 - On the forefront of innovation, Babolat invents tennis string.
Two years after the official invention of Badminton, Babolat created the first natural gut strings for players' rackets. This major innovation turned the game upside down and broke with the practice of badminton at the time.
1925 - Babolat creates “VS” Natural Gut string: the legendary product will win over 100 Grand Slams titles and become the benchmark for all tennis strings. René Lacoste and Susanne Lenglen write themselves into tennis history playing with VS string.
1983 - Yannick Noah wins French Open playing with VS strings and electrifies the tennis world.
1994 - Babolat believes players need more performance from all their equipment: Babolat rackets are launched, ushering in a new era of power. 1998 - Carlos Moya (SPA) powers his way to the Roland-Garros title with his Babolat Pure Drive racket, the first Grand Slam victory with a Babolat racket.
2001 - Launch of Babolat Balls
2003 - Babolat launches shoes in partnership with Michelin: the first high performance footwear line engineered 100% for tennis specific movement. Babolat innovates to bring more spin to the game with the Aero racket line: the world’s first aerodynamic frame.
2013 - Babolat launches the world’s first connected racket: the Babolat Play Pure Drive, connecting players and the game through seamless technology. Babolat partners with Wimbledon as the Official Licensee for rackets, shoes*, bags and accessories, uniting the founder of tennis string (1875) and the first Tennis Tournament (1877) (*except in Japan)
2014 - Babolat brings an aggressive alternative to the control and precision segment with the launch of the Pure Strike racket line.
2017 - Rafael Nadal achieves “The Decima” with his unprecedented 10th French Open title, captures the US Open title, and finishes the year ranked #1 (he reached today 19 Grand Slam’s titles including 12 at French Open).
The brand takes the floor with its #TrueBadminton campaign and shares the story of the greatest champions and everyday players in their daily lives. December: Juan Lebrón becomes the first Babolat padel player to finish #1 in the world. Januar: Launch of the first 100% Padel shoe.
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