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What is it about?

We are cooperating with the sports tracking app “Active Giving”. For every completed tennis or other sport session in the app, the company is planting one tree. Our goal is to plant 1.000 trees with our community! So join the mission to contribute to a better world! Are you in?

You can find more information about the project and the app here!

How does it work?

1. Download the App “Active Giving

2. Create a Profile

3. Click on the Menu on the Tab “Teams” to Join our Team Yellow!

4. Enter the Code: YELLOW

5. Track your Activity in the App

6. Complete your Activity

7. Congratulations! You have just planted a tree

8. You can share your activity on Instagram
Download the App here!

You want to be part of the project? You want to do sports and do something good? Then join the #teamyellow and track your tennis or sports activity to plant a tree!